Giuseppe Biasi was a Sardinian painter who lived from 1885 to 1945.
More so than any other artist, Biasi succeeded in capturing the vivid essence of Sardinia. Through his work, we can come a little closer to understanding the atmosphere, customs, and costumes of an older time in Sardinian.
He studied law in his home town of Sassari, after graduating he began a collaboration with the Nobel Prize-winning author Grazia Deladda from Nuoro.

Biasi work is deeply intertwined with the problems of the modern world, and he takes his inspiration from the peasant life in Sardinia. He used his art to overturn how Sardinia was portrayed during the late 19th century. When Sardinia was regarded as a cursed, and wild island, still hidden under a deadly shadow of malaria. He wanted to show the simple, poor, yet rich culture and beautiful lives of the people of this land.